Gravensteins are still being picked!

Gravensteins are still being picked! They don’t last long, so make sure you don’t miss out!

We have also doubled our tomatoes again this year! We have a few red that can be found with some searching and a whole lot of green and pink that should be ripening with the hotter weather this weekend. By next week it shouldn’t be as hard to find the ripe ones. We will keep you updated on their status.

Hope to see you soon!

Opening for Apples on Tuesday, August 11th!

We are almost there! Next Tuesday, August 11th, will be our official opening day! We will start out the season with Gravensteins as well as a few tomatoes and bell peppers. Ruby Mac and Gala are just about ready as well and will be added to our ripe and ready list shortly!

We are overjoyed and excited to be able to provide you all with a safe, clean space to get outdoors and have some good family fun! We have been determined to adapt and adjust our operations to be able to ensure we can provide that clean and safe experience. That being said, things will look a bit different when you come out to the orchard. We have installed new sinks at the entrance to the orchard and kindly ask everyone who is entering to first wash their hands. We also ask that everyone please check-in with the orchard attendant when entering so they can help guide you to the apple variety you are looking for and also to know where to go when you are done. We need to sanitize everything in between customers so we will have signs out pointing you in the right direction to return used buckets and wagons.

Thankfully our orchard rows are 14 feet apart. This leaves plenty of room to socially distance yourselves while in the orchard. We do ask you to be kind to your ‘neighbor’ when others are passing you down a row and give them the space they need to pass.

If you are uncomfortable with any of the guidelines or just not comfortable entering the orchard, we do offer phone ahead We-picking. We usually prefer a days notice but can have the bucket you are wanting picked and ready to go for a $2 additional fee per bucket. Call our direct line at (503)393-1077 and we will get to picking for you.

Below we have attached some guidelines put out by The Oregon Department of Agriculture for visiting U-pick farms:

  • Do not come if you are sick, have symptoms of COVID-19, or have come in contact with someone with COVID-19.

  • If bringing your own picking containers to the farm, they should be washed, disinfected, and rinsed before arrival.

  • In order to minimize the risk of acquiring COVID-19, avoid touching your face and maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others, unless they are from the same household.

  • Children stay with their parents at all times.

  • Do not eat fruit while picking.

  • Do not touch produce that you will not pick.

  • Wear a face covering if unable to maintain 6 feet from others.

We have a great crop this year and are excited for another Season! See you all next week!

Welcome, July!

July has arrived! On the farm that means Grass Season! We are waiting patiently for the perfect day to begin and soon our days and nights will be filled with Grass harvesting. Although harvest season is busy and our days are very full, it is very fulfilling to see the fruits of our labor.

Following grass season will be Apple Season! We are busy preparing and planning for you all to join us soon for the harvest of our Apples, Tomatoes, Pears, Pumpkins and Peppers that we have been working on all year. We can’t wait to see you all soon!