Golden Delicious and Liberty Apples are Ready!

Golden Delicious are Ready!

Golden Delicious is one of those very well-known apples.  Sweet and Mild flavor with a nice crunch.  Great for eating, pies and applesauce.  We have 3 full rows of these plus many, many trees in the older random section of the orchard.  If you want help finding them in the older section, just ask on of us! 


Liberty apples are also ready! 

Liberty apple.jpg

Liberty apples are smaller size but with lots of flavor.  A very crispy apple that is tart sweet with a zing.  Liberty are amazing to grow because they are apple scab immune and resistant to mildew, cedar apple rust and fire blight.  That is pretty amazing for an apple!  I heard they are really good for drying, plus eating, pies and applesauce.  I read they are great for apple butter but I have never personally tried it.  Let me know if you do!  FYI, we have one row of these but they are planted every other tree with Honeycrisp.  They won't last long!


Other Apple Update:

Melrose- A decent amount on the main row and lots left on the random trees in the older section.  We can help you find them!

Jonagold- Lots and lots!

Gala- Still a decent amount left.  Still good eating but getting close to losing their crunch.  They would be really good for applesauce right now.  The little crispier ones are in the older section.  Again happy to show you those when you are out here.

Ruby Jon- Half of the row left.

Honeycrisp- Done.