Jonagold apples are ready to pick!
This is a great apple for all uses. Excellent for eating with a tart-sweet crunch. Excellent for applesauce, and baking too. We love this apple!
We also have Honeycrisp (lots of nice ones still!), Gala, Ruby Jon, Ruby Mac and Smoothies available.
D’Anjou pears are available too. (These are picked straight off the tree so you need to refrigerate these for 3-4 weeks before they will ripen correctly. After the chilling period, you set them out on the counter to ripen. You can only tell if they are ready to eat by lightly pushing into the neck of the pear. If there is a slight give, them they are ready!)
We also have a very limited amount of Brooks prunes available pre-picked. $1.25/lb
And of course, lots of different tomatoes still available!
Now that’s a wall of tomatoes!