3 Days Left Of The Season!

We are at the tail end of the season. We Will be open for one last weekend! Our last day for the 2020 season will be Monday, November 23. Make sure to come out and get any last minute apples you need by Monday! We have five varieties left to choose from. They are almost gone, so you will need to go to the last 2/3 of the rows, but once you get down the row the trees are loaded! The fresh air and country walk comes free of charge! 

Are you wanting some apples before the season is over but don't have the time to pick? Give us a call and we can have a box picked and ready for you! Our custom Beilke boxes hold exactly one full bucket of apples. One full Beilke box of pre-picked apples is just $17 and will be ready at the stand when you are ready to pick-up. Call us at (503)393-1077 to order your pre-picked Beilke box. We do love to have a couple hours notice during the week, or a days notice on the weekends.

Golden Delicious
Cripps Pink
Gold Rush

Mon-Sat: 8a.m.-5p.m.
Sunday: 11a.m.-5p.m.

4925 Rockdale St NE, Brooks, OR 97305