UPDATED July 20, 2018: Thank you for coming and picking cherries! We are done with U-Pick cherries for the season. U-Pick blueberries are still going strong though! Wed- Sat, 9am to 4pm. Sweetheart cherries will be available at the fruitstand at the u-pick blueberry field through Saturday, July 21st.
We are opening up our Sweetheart cherries for u-pick for this SATURDAY, MON, TUES, WED! (CLOSED Sunday).
No ladders needed. The fruit is low to the ground because these are dwarf type trees.
$1.25/lb (CASH OR CHECK ONLY since this will be mostly self-serve.)
Location: 4925 Rockdale St NE, Brooks, OR 97305 (same as apple orchard).
Please park up near the office (smaller blue house). The cherries are behind the office and you can walk to them. This is also where there is an opening in the net to get into the cherries. Please bring your own containers to take fruit home in.
U-Pick blueberries are still going strong too! LOTS of berries available to pick! Blueberries are a few blocks away. Check last recent post for address.